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Stonware Clay Black, Powder 25 kg

This stoneware casting clay is only avaliable in powder. Easy to cast and dimensionally stable. Note that glazes can change color and character on this clay. The cast clay contains 20% fine grog.

NOTE! We recommend adding the setting agent Giessfix 162 [2878]. 

Packing : 25 kg
Color : Black
Grog : 20%
Water abs : 3% (1200 °C)
Dry shrinkage : 1%
Total shrinkage : 7,5% (1200 °C)
Bisquit firing : 950-980 ºC
Max. temperature : 1250 ºC
Rec. temperature : 1000-1250 ºC


     In stock
 Raku Glaze 914 White
 Stoneware Clay S20, Slip           20 kg
 Stoneware Clay WM2502 White 0,2 mm 25%
 Oxide pen - Iron Oxide
 Round Gold brush 373/0
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