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Stoneware Clay 1110 Greyish white

This clay is basically like 1109 but without lava spots. Very good for throwing and well suited for table ware. Reproduces the galzes beautifully. We recommend firing at 1240 ºC.

Packing : 12,5 kg
Color : Light grey
Grog : 0
Water abs : N/A
Dry shrinkage : 5%
Total shrinkage : 12% (1200 °C)
Bisquit firing : 950-980 °C
Max. temperature : 1280 °C
Rec. temperature : 1220-1280 °C

     In stock
 Earthenware Clay White 0,5 mm 25%
 Tin Oxide                           1 kg
 Copper Carbonate                    1 kg
 Kaolin - 50                         2 kg
 Copper Carbonate                   100 g
 Book, The Glaze Book