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Ortonkägla 5½, 1203-1225 °C

ORTON CONE 5½, 1203-1225°C

Cones are slender pyramids made with carefully controlled ceramic compositions. Bars are small uniformly shaped 
rectangles made from the same compositions as cones. Each cone/bar composition is identified with a number such as 04 or 06.

Cones are placed inside a kiln where they can be observed through a peephole. Orton® Self Supporting Cones are freestanding.
When cones soften and bend, this indicates that a certain amount of heat has been absorbed by the cone and hence, the ware being fired. Because ceramics and glasses can require different heat treatments, a range of cone numbers are used.

Please read more i our data sheet, click on DATA tot the left of the product image.

     Finns i lager
 Keramisk Filt Superwool 13
 Stengodsglasyr 1373 Koppargrön      5 kg
 Stengodsglasyr 1322 Blågrön, Matt   5 kg
 Penselglasyr 34 Vit, Blank         500 g
 Penselglasyr 33 Roströd, Blank     500 g
 Stengodsglasyr 1359 Mörk Azurblå    5 kg